The science of art through the art of science.

Friday, May 9, 2008


In this day and age you have to watch your back constantly. I recommend to all you kids out there, keep a close eye on what you put online.

Today, I perused the nets to find any and all workings of mine and eliminate them if they were to hold me to some other time line of myself.

I found ...

Deviant art Site: I will keep it operational until I start another one.
Xanga: Circa 2005, Deleted, my voice in it was for friends only and it sounded as though I was a sketchy stoner. Though I still wonder if Phillis Diller watches herself on Scooby Movies.
LiveJournal: Hardly used, Deleted.
Myspace Blog: Cleaned out and deleted, it was a hive of misanthropy and wrath from my pre-graduation days. It was a time when a lot of friends left me alone at school due to my wanting to hang out with artsy upperclassmen.
Facebook: Deleted, Hated using it, all you can do is send pop-ups to one another, how lame.
Myspace: Cleaned it up, no longer looks dirty and angry. Kinda plain, but I can work on it later.

That should about do it. This blog is all I need anyway, until a better one arrives that is.

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