The science of art through the art of science.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I recently lost someone very close to me. I may not be posting things for a while.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008


Those of you who know me on a personal level know that I have a cat named Integra. She is named after this woman (not the car) because I am a huge fan of Hellsing.

So her full name is Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates van Hellsing (no joke). Some of you may find it strange that I like Hellsing when I hate vampires in general. I like it because vampires get whats coming to them, from THE vampire no less. Well if you are familiar with the story, The Hellsing organization exterminates vampires who terrorize those on British soil. If you are familiar with my cat, you would know that she has three legs. I named her Integra for her bitchiness, her resolve and her ability to control creatures much larger and more powerful than her to do her bidding.

Last night we witnessed her leap and tear an errant bat out of the air in the house. The irony was too much to bare and required posting.


It will make you "drunk with the spirit."

And one for the girl while I'm at it.
Ok, and one for me as well, after all, its about an adorable little pig that slaughters the English.

Ok, fine, two for me. It's my blog and I'll do as I please.

Friday, May 9, 2008


In this day and age you have to watch your back constantly. I recommend to all you kids out there, keep a close eye on what you put online.

Today, I perused the nets to find any and all workings of mine and eliminate them if they were to hold me to some other time line of myself.

I found ...

Deviant art Site: I will keep it operational until I start another one.
Xanga: Circa 2005, Deleted, my voice in it was for friends only and it sounded as though I was a sketchy stoner. Though I still wonder if Phillis Diller watches herself on Scooby Movies.
LiveJournal: Hardly used, Deleted.
Myspace Blog: Cleaned out and deleted, it was a hive of misanthropy and wrath from my pre-graduation days. It was a time when a lot of friends left me alone at school due to my wanting to hang out with artsy upperclassmen.
Facebook: Deleted, Hated using it, all you can do is send pop-ups to one another, how lame.
Myspace: Cleaned it up, no longer looks dirty and angry. Kinda plain, but I can work on it later.

That should about do it. This blog is all I need anyway, until a better one arrives that is.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


The Eyelash has recently acquired a scanner...
I could have went with "Come son of Jor-El, kneel before Zod! Snoochybootchies!" but I stand by my decision. Anything to get a Highlander reference in. I figured I would take three minutes or so to doodle how I feel. You can see the poor quality is brought on by the fact that I drew it on the back of the printer test sheet, used a half broken Ticonderoga and "cleaned" it up in Paint.

The "Bad Travis Bat" is in reference to comics I did when the angst ball was doing Superbadthings and did not update. I hit him with it until comics come out. What are little brothers for?

See you in hell beanies. I liked it better when there was one. He just had to find another one on the side of the road.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


...oh and I forgot to mention.

...ends up I am not allergic to anything.

Kind of adds up doesn't it?

Last time I came up, we were in the mall... walking *gasp*.
This time I came up, we were in town... walking *dun dun dunnnn*.

Need to get more electrolytes so I can be good at running, football, arson, weddings and ART!

Who knew?


I had become, and still am, extremely tired by this weekend’s affair; I think that air mattress is to blame. We sold some shirts, shot the shi* and showed all of Millersburg that there is nothing to fear from behind the ominous black curtains. And, Iron Man rocked us out of our seat, which is a definite plus.

So…I promised a few people I would write something about my little adventure into New York to see Apocaliptica. We passed countless bars and restaurants attracting Cinco de Mayo customers with drink specials and “authentic” Mexican dishes. We, my good friend Brice and I that is, took the PATH in from Jersey City, which is looking surprisingly clean lately.

So New York was… New York. In the first two minutes I saw three well-dressed bums, heard four different languages, heard someone giving directions to a foreigner, heard two lame (attention starved) street poets, a delivery biker wearing tin foil on his helmet and about sixty tons of garbage (not people, actual garbage).

We made our way through the city from 14th Street and opted to have a few at a nearby local Irish pub due to our being early. Paul the bartender was quite happy to see us and made it difficult to leave. We then followed the winding entrance line around the corner to find Brice’s brother in law and his friend waiting patiently for us, and their tickets. We grabbed a quick “dirty water dog” to prevent starvation and made our way in without incident to make a second stop at the bar where the bartender gave me too much change. We waited while a DJ played some Freudian Winamp Visualizations on a movie screen and played some decent metal and hard rock. When the venue filled they lifted the curtains for us to see four extremely high backed chairs with giant skulls worked onto them. Each musician came on and started playing slowly before a climax of head banging rock unleashed itself upon the audience.

All in all it was a very good concert. I didn’t get a size 9 upside my head by some retarded crowd surfer. There weren’t too many pretentious teenagers and some drunken chick grabbed my ass. The band played on their Finnish roots and spoke with high squeaky voices that did not go along with their demeanor or appearance at all. Thus, they needed singers and opted to get Adam from Three Day’s Grace and “whatshisname” from Fuel to sing a few of their songs.

Three encores later, the general message of the evening was revealed to me by the often ridiculed “she-male” looking lead guitar…ahem…cellist when he dryly said “Shut up while we play some classical music.” and the crowd of drunken miscreants responded with “WOOO!”

I corrected myself back there because he plays the cello better than any guitarist, plucking or using the bow; it is the most intense thing I have ever seen. They often wanted us to get rowdy and jump around, but I believe that we were all just mesmerized by the fact that we were hearing awesome versions of Metallica on cellos. We just wanted to be witness to it and not interact with it.

We made our way out without problem. My bad luck strikes again as the usher ran out of free $20 itunes gift cards when the guy standing right in front of me got the last one. We all debated doing something after the show until we finally began looking for a restaurant. We found a cute hole in the wall called “Chat n Chew” where I got a delicious burger and pondered some things about “tallys”.

We took the PATH back to NJ and made our way home. I passed out in the car on the ride to and from our destination.

I have been getting yelled at for sleeping in ever since. Hopefully I can get some normal sleep tonight.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I'm not done...

I was kidding.

I am extremely tired after this weekend. No real reason, I just want to take a nap so very badly. I have Apocalyptica tickets tonight, so I will have to get my energy on soon.

More to come later.