The science of art through the art of science.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I recently created a facebook account, I was kinda forced into doing so. Now I'm addicted. Speaking of addiction... I reactivated my WoW account. Primarily because I wanted to hang out with the girl more often then I have been able, and secondarily, talking about D&D with Trav and the gang had made me miss the no hold's barred, making twelve year old's cry action of my MMORPG days. We play Horde on Steamwheedle Cartel.

Despite my constant griping about the game and what it does to people (Pawl experienced this first hand), it seems never the less to be unavoidable. I have friends from coast to coast that I enjoy talking with and "being" with. MMO's just make that possible, plus there's killing, which makes every relationship better. I unfortunately agree with Yahtzee that you cannot do better than this game and that every other MMO just wants to be like it.

All that aside, back to the Facebook thing...

Since my profile's inception I have been bombarded with names and faces that I haven't seen since, well, grade school really. It's very odd is all I'm saying that we have technology that can imbibe emotion and nostalgia, were one step closer to the Matrix people!

I had also decided to spend my sick day catching up on my Japanese and force feed myself comfort stimuli in this time of woe. I found that there was a continuation series of Tenchi Muyo! called Ryo-ohki. Granted this is one of my favorite series so I opted to watch it diligently. It has all the favorites: Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, etc. (no Kiyone Makibi though, damn it) but its off the wall crazy, and this is from a guy who can understand Evangelion without taking notes.

If your at all familiar with the series, you'll know that Tenchi Masaki is a high school boy that inadvertently has to become a hero when he is forced to live with a sexy space pirate, a sexy mad scientist, a sexy galactic police officer, a cat/rabbit that transforms into a spaceship/ adorable little girl, and two princesses of the most powerful empire in the universe (one of which is sexy). Now I know that sounds wierd and all, but it was still fairly easy to follow if you paid it some small amount of attention. The only thing that would really change is who the bad guy was and how they related to any one of the characters.

The continuation of the series, Ryo-ohki, starts off by introducing several more women to the house hold including a long lost sister (sexy), a fake fiance' for Tenchi (sexy), the princess' grandmother (who because of her immortality is also sexy), and a grandmother for Tenchi as she is married to his grandfather (again immortality= sexy). The worst thing is they all show up in the same episode! So...

In order to get a grasp on all these new changes, I visited Professor Wikipedia to get an idea of what was going on. Now it all makes sence, but somehow I ended up on the Super Sentai series which more than obviously links me with the Power Rangers. Last thing I know is I was reading the biography of Jason David Frank and reminicing about how awesome he is.

Thank you Wikipedia.

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