Apparently they are called Camel a.k.a Cave Crickets. I know the picture isn't that terrifying, just take in the fact that they are over three inches long (total) and can jump over a foot in the blink of an eye.
It took me over an hour to properly identify it as most extermination sites do not consider them a common pest. I should take a video camera into my basement...
No joke.
That's gotta be the coolest cricket I've seen by a country mile. There's a great Mary Oliver poem about a cricket who makes its home under her refrigerator, thus experiencing a false summer in the dead of winter. In his joy, he "coaxes a bit of music from his thighs". Those crickets you got make much music?
For my sake, I'm glad to say no. They are wingless and therefore fit in with the silent creepy crawlies. It's better that way because either I would have gone deaf from their possible sound (due to their large number), or would have to deal with them flying up from the basement in droves. Luckily, my three legged cat has a penchant for taking them out if they try to hop up the staircase.
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