The science of art through the art of science.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Challenge Accepted

Write a fictional story… without guns, death, physical sex, the supernatural, historical figures, or alternate universes.

“My name’s Paul.” He to get that much through the lump in his throat.
“Nice to meet you”, he said extending a hand shakily. Pretty woman or not, one must not be impolite he thought. A smile cracked across from him, although at this point she could have just been trying to be equally polite. Politeness was all it was, he fully knew her name from the nameplate on the end of her cubicle wall. Every day, if he could, he would make his way to the art department just to catch a glimpse of her. Not that he was stalking her. Not at all, never. It was just a reminder…that she was there…and that she was beautiful.

Her weight shifted onto her other leg, after all the conversation had been going on for some time. Fifty floors justified the useless balloon juice spread out there as if it was the way “normal” people spoke to each other, your usual faux pas about the weather and work. New scenarios spattered through his mind, but like the computers he’d been working on, processing power was too low. He was hung up on compatibility. The knickknacks on her desk, the busted black Jetta with all those bumper stickers, the music on her headphones when she walked past the IT department; she probably hung out with awesome artistic friends, made trips frequently to the city…an adventurous life…

“I like your shoes” she said. The confidence in her voice put him at unease. Paul quickly managed to notice that she was wearing the same Chuck Taylors. “How did I miss that?” he thought. Again, compatibility. Following an awkward and panicky laugh he blundered “Psh, yeah… I just…you know.” He broke eye contact as quickly as he could, looked at his shoes, remembered that was what the conversation was about and dashed his gaze upon the other side of the elevator. He saw in the reflection of the brass walls, that her reaction was the same as his. Compatibility…

The awkwardness could have only been broken by the buzz of the cell phone in her messenger bag. She quickly stabbed into the bag for it and pulled it out with a jingle of change. A small figurine of Japanese origin hung from the antenna. She scrolled through texts and let out a personal giggle. Devastating grief came over Paul and negativity reined. “It’s probably her boyfriend.” He unwisely leaned over and violated privacy protocols. He managed to catch a glimpse at the screen and felt a wave of relief suspended the grief. “Just a text from a girl friend” he assured himself. He stealthily shifted himself to avoid being caught.

Floors were flying by, he only had a few moments to make a move. “Kiss her? No. Bring something else to talk about? No time. Panic? Panic.” His mind franticly fumbled while his hands played with the keys in his pocket out of nervousness. “Listen, I…” ding went the elevator and a wave of sunlight poured in. Lobby. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and made for the exit still scrolling through her phone. He dashed after her valiantly. “Want to grab lunch tomorrow?” He threw like a Hail Mary.

“Sure, but I usually bring my own lunch.”
“It will be on me” such confidence shooting through him, he felt strength like no other.
“Sure” she repeated with a smile “See you then.”

He sealed the contract with a wave and a suppressed grin. Gloom and uncertainty were problems for another. His life enlightened, despite the fact his internship ended that afternoon.

Little did he know she was a werewolf with an Uzi sent from the future to correct the mistakes of the past and… damn it. As an aside, I actually flipped a coin to decide if it was a happy or sad ending.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Boredom Poems

I requested that a few friends make poem requests to end my relentless stagnation. I am actually surprised that it made me write. All in all, I feel that they are pretty good for an hour or so's worth of effort.

Jon requested an Epic Poem about himself being a super hero. I did not think that he realized that epic poems can be several books long... so here is a "snippet."

A story so bold is this
The greatest antihero of our time

So fine a lady she was
Walking home that night
The devil came swooping
Grave was her plight

Hands reach to silence
To an echo, her scream
Then, there she was
Fallen to his scheme

Smoke entered the alley
All at once, a terrible jolt
The eyes of a champion
Back lit with a bolt

His cape would flutter abruptly
His leap, uncompromised
The pain was intense
The jaw was prized

Struck and dazed he stumbled
A quick left struck his nose
He was left grasping blindly
Eyes watering he rose

A hasty retreat was quickly made
The woman lies dead
She should have known better
Where evil will tread

He escapes into the night
Following leads on the other
Always apathetic
Strike before he finds another.

Tiph requested a Ballad about "Monsters Eating Peanut Butter." I couldn't resist...

Love, such a love,
What is this thing I crave?
Peanut butter, peanut butter

A taste, just a taste,
So torturous I was ripped from the fey
Peanut butter, peanut butter

Meh-ow, I cry Meh-ow,
Your frightened face holds no sway
Peanut butter, peanut butter

Find, oh please find,
The courage to extend a hand
Peanut butter, peanut butter

Would you grant me this,
Small penance of trust?
Find it in your heart
To end my ravenous lust.
Reach out with your spoon,
Drop a speck,
And see it through!

A terrible fiend to some
A friend till the end
Can I live in your shoe?

Quiet too much quiet
How awkward is this moment
Peanut butter, peanut butter

Eyes, our eyes
They cannot separate
Peanut butter, peanut butter

Would you grant me this,
Small penance of trust?
Find it in your heart
To end my ravenous lust.
Reach out with your spoon,
Drop a speck,
And see it through!

By simply feeding me
You’re stuck with a friend.

Can I live in your shoe?
Can I live in your shoe?
Can I live in your shoe?
I need more food.
Can I live in your shoe?
I’ll live in your shoe.

Pawl wanted a Blank Verse regarding Quantum Entanglement. Heh, I liked this one.

Comprised in this chaos of particles,
Now entwined, betwixt the various states,
Pulled forth from the dimensional ether,
I am Alpha and I am Omega,
From these two I am indistinguishable,
Argue if you must, a labor of space,
For in philosophy, a paradox.