The science of art through the art of science.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Best Video Game Cut-scene Ever

one of the best games ever really...

If you haven't played Psychonauts yet, you really need to hop on board the awesome train.

Monday, January 12, 2009

R.I.P. Mr. Steckler

I'm sorry to have just found out Ray Dennis Steckler had passed away on the seventh after a long bought with heart failure. He was a fine purveyor of some great B-listers.

I feel like watching The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies and/or Rat Pfink a Boo Boo... so I think I will.

Catch you all later.

B-Movie Fans

To celebrate the new year... I dropped the one word titles. It was getting old. I'm also looking forward to using this blog as an actual blog and not just siphoning YouTube videos and blogs from BoingBoing.

In the good news department...

I found that you can stream awesomely horrible movies on Fancast. Seeing how they are so terrible that no one wants to own the rights to them, you can feel free to watch them over and over without paying a dime. God bless America.

On top of that, Winamp Media Player features internet TV stations. Usually I enjoy some Futurama re-runs but I have found a nonstop MST3k marathon station on there too. I particularly enjoyed last Saturday night when they featured a gut-wrenching bad movie entitled Blasterman or Blaster Something. I couldn't find it on imdb (will give high praise for a link).

It was a story about a cop named "Tiger" who went to jail for killing his wife's murderer. Upon his release he bought a magic SPIAS 12 gauge shotgun with a scope that could fire any ordinance from scatter-shot to grenades. He decides not to kill the corrupt district attorney that imprisoned him and instead opts to drive out into no-where Pennsylvania and live in an abandoned cabin.

The locals give him shit for no reason and kill his baby orphaned dear. Rednecks give shit to everyone he knows...try to rape his daughter...accidentally kill a man...kill all the witnesses to cover it up...tons of new rednecks show up and volunteer to help the other rednecks hunt down and kill the cop and his daughter for beer...daughter gets killed during a proposed cease fire..."Tiger" goes berserk and starts killing rednecks...uses magic shotgun which he vowed never to use... they show a lot of similar car explosions...everyone goes to jail when the hero loads all the bodies into a pick-up and drives them to the sheriff's office.

The funniest thing about it was its filming in PA, but use of Italian staff and credits despite all the actors being American (they also dubbed over the English speaking actors for some reason).

I also caught EEEGAH!! which stars a very young (but still huge) Richard Keil. Yes...JAWS from James Bond. Keil plays a giant (or cave-man) that lives in the desert. Not much to this movie at all really. There's 45 minutes in which the leading lady and her father try keep the towering cave man's thoughts preoccupied so he didn't rape was amusing on a subconscious level.