The science of art through the art of science.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Suddenly, my opinion on children has changed, perhaps because I have seen the future of what they may be like.

Oby Kenoby...pokie ball... adorable.
No mention of Han Solo or Chewbacca, I guess Harrison Ford and an eight foot tall growling dog aren't that interesting to a little girl...

She'll be getting it right by fifth grade with my my influence.


Grrr.. Hit a snag…

All’s well now on the eastern front. For the time being I have to type on this archaic analog typewriter of a laptop, it doesn’t even have Word on it, I am using notepad to do my preliminary writing. I like to get a good sense of what it is I am writing by putting copy on plain white background (paper) before I attempt to assimilate it onto a webpage. Most know I have the utmost respect for ancient technology, I just need to feel my own equipment underneath my fingers (get your minds out of the gutter).

I just want to say that I look forward to getting back to writing as soon as I get my computer back into commission. I haven’t lost any pertinent information, just its use. Now for the sake of the stories, I will be jumping back onto the saddle as soon as I get my life corrected at this new location. Doesn’t bother me much, I am easy; just need a roof, a cedar bed, a can of food and a fiber optic broadband internet connection. Woof.

There is something I want to get off my chest. I would like to not to rant (like I always do), so I will breath steadily as I dictate. I have found that my interests are primarily kitsch in nature, I enjoy music that sours milk, company that appears questionable and I refuse to believe art is definable in sociological sense. The mundane and idiotic are the most humorous to me and I believe that humanity - as a whole - needs a good kick in the ass when it comes to sociological issues, technology and environmental impact.

My writing matches my moods and personality. I can write a psychological horror story that will leave you questioning existence itself, a steamy romance story that will make your body ache, a loving story about a girl and her puppy that will leave your eyes puffy and damp. I do not want my writing to “define” me or categorize me. I write to express opinion, fiction and fact and to make sure no one confuses which is which.

My opinions are rant like because I subscribe to the John Gabriel’s Internet Anonymity Theory. I abide all unspoken and unwritten laws about internet conduct, however, I feel the need to be opinionated and humorous. My rants are primarily attempts at stylized humor through personal anger. It is beneficial for me to turn the wrongs of the world into punch lines and common situations based on logical happenstances.

My horror may be disgusting and liable to get me thrown into an institution, but they are just stories and dreams, not manifestos. They just come out of my id and I just turn and twist them in order to get the continuity correct. I see it as nothing more than making faces in the bathroom mirror after a shower or screaming and making obscene noises while sitting alone in the car. Its healthy people!

The internet: Free exchange of ideas, facts and opinions. I plan on using it for such.

Can’t wait to get back to writing…

April 1st, I rise from the ashes and take control of all that I have and will have. Catch you soon.